
"My name is Kaya. I'm from Los Angeles and I'm a ROCKAHOLIC."

OHHHH 98.7! You make me want to slit my wrist for saying that into a tape recorder! And dangle, I didn't think of until later, but I USED MY REAL-ISH NAME. I should have screamed into the mic, "MY NAME IS GIANT SCREAMER! AHHHHHH!" Me embarrassing myself on tape came about the other night when I found myself with the delightful honor of seeing Band of Skulls at a private session @ the Slot Studios of 98.7fm. Star 98.7fm. They're still around? I guess. The band was shy and quiet when the asinine DJ host and fans ("yah! you guys rock! sweet! uh huh!") asked questions, . Since I knew I had to pay for parking ($11 fucking 25), I made my friend take a picture with me after they finished their set. I normally wouldn't do shit like this, but they were offering and I needed to get my $11.25-worth of fun. Enjoy some of the most awkward pictures I've taken in awhile:
Lady bassist, Blonde guitartis, and Sweaty drummer guy. I should look up their names.
Third camera's a charm? NOPE. The only moment of brevity was when the photographer whipped out the 3rd camera (mine and the photographer's was #1 & 2; #3 was my friend's) and the drummer turned to me and asked, "How many cameras did you guys bring? Hahhaha!" I responded with, "We brought a handful." The only better facial expression I had that day. WHAT AN AWKWARD PICTURE. They weren't as disinterested as they look. I enjoy what I wore that day. It's, like, I tried. Thanks, Jaya, for providing the clothes.
-- Funny moment (at least to me?):
Terrible DJ: How did you guys find out that you were doing the New Moon soundtrack? Guitarist guy: We saw it in the L.A. Times the other day? We don't know. They liked the song so we sent it to them.
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